
Greater Options for the Perfect CBD Juul Now

If you started with a 3% CBD oil, cf. the above CBD dosage guide and after some time (12 weeks) found out that you need a higher dose, you typically switch to a 15% and start quietly after same CBD dosing guide. The CBD Juul Compatible Pods offer you the best options here now.

Remember: 1 drops of 15 CBD oil = 5mg CBD

Examples of startup with CBD Hemp Oil Capsules

(Remember again, these are only indicative examples of the products here at edoa.dk)

Cbd capsule icon

For general health and increased well-being + ADHD , PTSD , stress and sleep problems / difficulty sleeping :

(Product: CBD Hemp Oil Capsules 3% – Decarb 300mg CBD)

1st and 2nd week: 1 pcs. CBD oil capsule every night approx. an hour or 2 before bed.

3rd and 4th week: 1 pcs. CBD oil capsule in the morning after breakfast and 1 pcs. CBD oil capsule in the evening approx. an hour or 2 before bed.

Then you can see the time over the next month’s time. If it does not have the desired effect, you can increase the dosage quietly week by week.

Some people experience rapid effects (first week) and others only experience an effect after 1 – 3 months. It therefore requires a little patience as well as trying to find the right dose for you.

Here again it is important that you feel good in the body and only increase to max. 3 capsules 3 times daily. There is no risk of high intake. If you start feeling tired and sluggish, lower your dose a bit as mentioned above, as this may be a sign that you have taken a little too much.

Remember: 1 capsule 3% CBD oil = 10mg CBD

For example, if you started with a 3% CBD oil capsule, cf. the above CBD dosage guide and after some time (12 weeks) found out that you need a higher dose, you typically switch to a 15% CBD oil capsule and start quietly and calm down following the same CBD dosing instructions.

Remember: 1 capsule 15% CBD oil = 50mg CBD

For general health and increased well-being + anxiety , asthma / lung diseases , autoimmune diseases, depression , inflammatory diseases, neurological disorders and pain :

Overview of diseases CBD oil can have a beneficial effect on

(Products: CBD Hemp Oil Capsules 3% – Decarb 300mg CBD and CBD Hemp Oil Capsules 3% – Raw 300mg CBD + CBDa)

1st and 2nd week: 1 pcs. CBD oil capsule (Raw) every morning after breakfast.

3rd and 4th week: 1 pcs. CBD oil capsule (Raw) in the morning after breakfast and 1 pcs. CBD oil capsule (Decarb) in the evening approx. an hour or 2 before bed. Then you can see the time over the next months’ time. If it does not have the desired effect, you can increase the dosage quietly week by week.